Naučite argentinski tango uz modernu glazbu, puno zabave i druženja!
Learn Argentine tango with modern music and lots of fun
Tango Experiential nudi vam poduku iz argentinskog tanga uz suvremenu glazbu u malim grupama, uz stalnu podršku iskusnih i pristupačnih voditelja. Voditelji Karla i Hrvoje pobrinut će se s puno strpljenja da Vaš ulazak u svijet tango plesa bude interesantan, interaktivan i ugodan. Naučite plesati argentinski tango jer plesno umijeće je nešto što vam ostaje tijekom cijelog života! Ukoliko nemate plesnog partnera slobodno nam se obratite jer možda upravo čeka na vas!
Tango Experiential offers you lessons in Argentine tango with contemporary music in small groups, with the constant support of experienced and accessible instructors. Karla and Hrvoje will patiently make sure that your entry into the world of tango dance is interesting, interactive and pleasant. Learn to dance Argentine tango because the art of dancing is something that stays with you throughout your life! If you don't have a dance partner, feel free to contact us because she/he might be waiting for you right now!
Naša ponuda
Our Services
Ukoliko želite tango poduku u Zagrebu obratite nam se putem emaila: ili nazovite na telefon +385914400400.
Privatni sati i koreografije
Ukoliko želite privatne satove iz tanga ili koreografije na određenu pjesmu slobodno nam se obratite!
Neolonga u Zagrebu
Pridružite nam se na plesnim večerima na neotango glazbu u Zagrebu. Kao i uvijek, dobrodošli ste samo plesati, uvježbavati nove korake ili razmjenjivati plesno iskustvo.
Tango lessons
If you want tango lessons in Zagreb, contact us by email or call +385914400400.
Private lessons and choreography
If you want private lessons in tango or choreography to a certain song, feel free to contact us!
Neolonga in Zagreb
Join us for dance evenings to neotango music in Zagreb. As always, you are welcome to just dance, practice new steps or share dance experiences.