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Tango Experiential Festival 2018 


Five elements

The second-year edition of the Tango Experiential Festival is dedicated to the 5 elements.

It is said that the whole world is composed of 5 elements. Everything there is, is a dance, a game, of Water, Air, Earth, Fire, and all-connecting and ever-present, Spirit. Everything exists as a result of their infinite combinations.

If that is true, then you, too, are the 5 elements. And so is your dance.

And so is our Festival…

This year, discover “the 5” in our tango workshops and neolongas; in additional workshops of dance, yoga, drumming, massage, and in trips to nature. Recognize them in embraces, in nature around you, and in your dance - how they change with every moment and how you change with them.

In the safe and pure environment of Fužine, surrounded by nature that reflects “the 5” back to us all the time, with the activities making the Tango Experiential Festival, you are invited to dive into the new experience and:

  • Dance (neolongas every night, with international DJs and participants)

  • Improve your dance skills (tango workshops and additional dance workshops every day, with international teachers)

  • Enjoy the show of professional dancers

  • Participate in the open air milonga

  • Connect with others and nature (trips for nature lovers)

  • Choose various activities and create your holidays (massage, yoga, breathing, drumming workshops…)

  • Learn new things (presentation of local products and artists) and

  • Feel the magic of it all!


Don’t miss the Tango Experiential Festival, 10th – 15th July 2018, Fužine, Croatia!

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